Address | 27d East Bridge Street Enniskillen, BT74 7BW |
Rates | Paid by Tenant |
Lease | 5 years minimum |
Style | Retail |
Size | 40 sq. metres |
Status | Let |
This unit is situated behind East Bridge Street in Fermanagh’s County Town of Enniskillen. The Street is the main thoroughfare to the town centre and receives much passing traffic and footfall. The Unit itself fronts onto Wellington Road, which is the main arterial route through Enniskillen for traffic from the North to Sligo and the South West. The vicinity is home to Estate Agents, Solicitors and Hair Salons with current businesses in the premises consisting of Youth and Disability organizations. The unit was last used for Office purposes but can be let for retail use.
Reception – 3.43m x 4m
Laminate Flooring, LED Panel Lighting, PVC Entrance Door, Range of Power Points.
Office Area – 7.23m (Widest Point) x 3.25m (Widest Point)
Carpet Flooring, LED Panel Lighting, Range of Power Points, Fixed Desking.
Seamus Cox & Co, for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: (I) Particulars and photographs are supplied in good faith and are intended to give as fair and accurate a representation of the property as possible however can be subject to change. Any intending purchasers must rely on their own inspection of the property to satisfy their correctness. (II) All measurements are approximate. Any floorplans or maps are intended for reference and identification purposes only (III) Seamus Cox & Co have not tested any equipment, apparatus, fittings or services and cannot verify as to their working order.